These are some of my favourite pictures taken with my film camera:
Yet again, my brother has introduced me to an awesome local rapper. This time it's The Joe. Here is a hilarious song, with a bit of a serious side about Hipsters, Edmonton Hipsters to be specific. I know it will have you laughing out loud at some point, because we all know those people that try way to hard to fit in with the hipsters.
I should add that you are able to download this song for FREE at the Old Ugly link under Links on the side column 
Last night, Edmonton was the coldest place on earth!!!! Do you know how cold it has to be to be considered the coldest place on earth??????? -46.1 C apparently, beating out even the Arctic. THE ARCTIC!!!!!!! Edmonton was colder than the Arctic!! There is no one that lives in the Arctic  it's so cold. I should also add that with windchill factored in, it reached a whopping -58.4 C.  This is stupid cold. Stop being stupid Edmonton Weather, stop it.....seriously, stop.
Today while at work I attempted to pick up a napkin off the floor. I failed, and quite miserably. Due to my lack of depth perception (proven by my skilz in sports), I smashed my right eye into the corner of a table, breaking my right lens into several pieces. It was an embarrassing tale to tell when people asked why I didn't have my glasses on anymore. 
My mission for the past couple days has been to come up with a theme and set for my church's Christmas banquet on Saturday. All I've got so far is a snow theme. So for the past two days I have been making giant paper snowflakes to hang up in the gymnasium. So far I have 15 but I'm going for at least 24. It's the second largest paper project I've ever done. The first of which being the paper crane project I originally made with two classmates in grade 3, but later displayed In the Muttart Conservatory. Here's one of the articles on it. The news reporters tried to get a deeper meaning out of us as to the reason we made the paper cranes, but we made them because we were all really, really into origami. Origami and dinosaurs. And Who Wants to be a Millionaire? and Star Wars Episode I and ER.

Finally, Edmonton has been added to the cities that can be viewed with street-view on Google Maps. Here's my house: 
My House.
I'll put up some cool things later when I have time!
I don't know what made me think of it, but I had a revelation today that Psalty the singing songbook from videos I use to take from the church library looks remarkably like the California raisins from the commercials of old. 
Watching the evening news tonight was a story on some athlete (I forget who) giving a inspirational speech to a group of children. He was speaking on overcoming challenges and getting to the olympics despite a brain injury. In a interview with a child, he thought the main challenge the speaker had to overcome was growing up in Saskatchewan. 
This morning I watched The Littlest Hobo for the first time in years. I decided that The Littlest Hobo is my hero. Not only did he push a man down an elevator shaft, he dropped a freaking crowbar on a mans head from several flights up. I have to say, this little piece of Canadiana almost brought a tear to my eye. Now wether that tear would have been caused by the bad acting or the storyline is still up for debate. I attempted to find a nifty picture of the dog, or the themesong to the show, but I wound up with something even better. I found a mash-up (sorry for the Glee term) of The Littlest Hobo theme and Lily Allen's Not Fair. Lilly Allen's lyrics aren't the most appropriate but if your able to look past a couple lines of the song, I think it's pretty good.




I'm attempting to reignite my artistic side so here is a watercolour I did yesterday.  I kind of copied the bird from someone online, but I liked the style so.... whatevas. 